We believe

…that the Bible is the divinely inspired, inerrant, holy word of Yahweh (YHWH) God
(Exodus [Sh'mot]

…in the unified (echad) Godhead, YHWH, God the Father, YHWH, God the Son, YHWH, God the Holy Spirit
(John [Yochanan] 10:30; 15:26)

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:…"
(Genesis [Bereshit] 1:26)

"Hear, O Israel: YHWH our God is one YHWH:…"
(Deuteronomy [D'varim] 6:4)

...that Yahweh God is our Heavenly Father and the Creator of all things
(Isaiah [Yesha'yahu] 40:28)

…that the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanach in Hebrew, Old Testament for Christians) foretells the coming of a Messiah
(Isaiah [Yesha'yahu] 9:6-7; Luke 2:11)

…that Y’shua, a Jewish carpenter from Nazareth, born from the lineage of King David in the city of Bethlehem, from the tribe of Judah, fulfilled ALL the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures about the coming Messiah
(Matthew [Mattityahu] 11:1-17; Luke 1:32-22; John [Yochanan] 7:42)

…that Y’shua was born of a virgin, by the Holy Spirit
(Ruach haKodesh)
(Isaiah [Yesha'yahu] 7:14; Matthew [Mattityahu] 1:20, 25; Luke 1:27, 34)

... that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God
(Romans 3:23)

…that we must choose to accept Y’shua as our Savior and that by His death, burial and resurrection He paid the price for our sins and overcame death, hell, and the grave.
(John [Yochanan]
3:16-18; Acts 2: 21, 24; 4:12; 13:26-40; 16:30-31)

…that by choosing Y’shua as our Savior and asking Him to pay the price for our sins that He becomes the sacrifice for our sins. Without asking Him to do this for us, we will face God and have to pay the price for our sins ourselves. This is called hell, which is eternal separation from God in a place too horrible to comprehend.
(Mark 9:43; 12:5; 2 Peter [Kefa] 2:4; Luke 13:25-28)

…that once we’ve chosen Y’shua and asked Him to pay the price for our sins that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given as a seal of our ultimate inheritance of eternal life with God.
(2 Corinthians 5:5; Ephesians 1:13)

...in the spiritual unity and equality of all believers in Messiah Y'shua.
(Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28)

…that the Brit Hadashah (in Hebrew) or New Testament tells us how to live a life that is pleasing to God in light of the Messiah and is in perfect accord with the Hebrew Scriptures; there is no contradiction between "Old" and "New."
(Matthew [Mattityahu] 5:18; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter [Kefa] 1:23-25)

…that the men who wrote the vast majority of the Old and New Testaments were Hebrews, lived within a culture generally defined by the Tanach (Old Testament); and viewed the world according to that culture.
(Luke 2:22-24; John [Yochanan] 2:6, 13; 4:9; 5:1; 6:4; 7:2; 11:55; 18:20; 19:20; Acts 10:28; 19:34; 21:26; Romans 11:1; Philippians 3:4-5)

...that Scripture tells us that if we "abide" in the Messiah that we are to walk as He walked (I John 2:6); so what He did, we are to do, too.

